Kira Zaslavskaya: we need joint and responsible work of all participants in the pharmaceutical market

Promomed 06 December 2021

«Vision and participation are essential to address global pharmaceutical safety challenges, including the fight against the pandemic. This means that only in conditions of joint responsible work of all participants of the pharmaceutical market, the problems and consequences of the coronavirus crisis will be overcome,» said Kira Zaslavskaya, Director of New Products at Promomed Group, during the meeting «Seasonality and covidity of the pharmaceutical market» organized by the Russian Association of Pharmaceutical Marketing (RAPM).

The speaker devoted part of its presentation to the analysis of the main challenges and trends that characterize the current situation for different participants of the pharmaceutical market, from pharmaceutical manufacturers to patients, including such an important element as pharmacy chains.

The development of our understanding of the features of the pathological action of the virus changes approaches to therapy and, of course, affects the development of various drugs and the pharmaceutical market as a whole. «It is necessary to achieve maximum transparency of information about the effectiveness of various therapies. All clinical trials of the Promomed Group are described in peer-reviewed publications available in open access to the global medical community. We are ready for discussions, for criticism, and we consider it necessary to raise awareness of all participants in the pharmaceutical market,» stressed Kira Zaslavskaya.

COVID can give an impetus to the development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry towards creating innovative as well as generic drugs. The existing government support programs are designed to increase the innovativeness of the Russian pharmaceutical industry. This program may include such elements as projects intended to stimulate cooperation of various pharmaceutical manufacturers, create clusters and resource sharing centers. This will increase the effectiveness of the development of original Russian medicines, including those for the treatment of complications of coronavirus infection, neurological, cardiological, autoimmune and other socially significant diseases.

The crisis has increased the burden on all participants of the pharmaceutical market, including pharmacy chains. They faced a situation of sharply increased demand not only for medicines, but also for consultations on their choice. «Promomed Group conducts a huge number of various educational events, including non-promotional ones, for medical and pharmacy workers. We provide comprehensive financial and research support to Russian educational institutions whose activities are aimed at training personnel for the pharmaceutical industry for the further development of Russian scientific potential,» Kira Zaslavskaya also noted and provided examples of the most important areas for possible cooperation and mutual support of pharmaceutical market participants.