
Promomed Group is one of the leaders of the Russian pharmaceutical industry, an active participant in the national system for securing drug supply.

We are focused on the development, production and promotion of medical products used in such areas of medicine as infection control (antivirals and antibiotics), endocrinology, neurology, oncology, and general medicine. The company is one of the Russian leaders in the production of medicinal products for COVID-19 and a leader in the segment of medicinal products for weight management.

The company's portfolio includes more than 200 products, 80% of which are included in the list of vital and essential drugs (VED). Over 200 new drugs are at various stages of development and registration.

Promomed Group operates a complex of research laboratories for the development of new drugs and finished dosage forms with total area of 2,000 square meters.

Company’s production site, the Biokhimik plant, operates in full compliance with the standards of the Eurasian GMP. The company implements a full cycle of pharmaceutical production: from molecule to finished dosage form.

The team of Promomed Group unites 2,000 employees. It counts with more than 200 professionals with doctorate degree as team members or the company associates. Over 120 specialists have been awarded government and regional awards.


  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014 - 2007
  • 2006
  • 2005
  • 1952

Approval of Esperavir®, a new drug in Russia for the treatment of coronavirus infection, based on the internationally recognized molecule molnupiravir, start of supplies to the healthcare system.

Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers was signed on the construction of an antibiotic plant in Saransk. 63 years later the Biokhimik plant will become part of the Promomed Group. 

Petr Bely and like-minded people established the PROMOMED company.

The first new drug products have been developed and launched: Revocarin and Neosmectin

A new weight loss drug product Reduxin developed by Promomed became available at pharmacies. Within a year it became the top product in this category. 

Promomed opened a modern production site at the plant for manufacturing tablets and capsules

Creation of the in-house biotechnological laboratory – Scientific and Production Engineering Center “Antibiotic”. 

Promomed obtained the conclusion from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on the compliance of manufacturing process at Biokhimik  with the requirements of the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).

Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova opened a full cycle production of domestic antibiotics of the latest generations at Biokhimik 

Promomed Group opened a laboratory of chemical and pharmaceutical technologies at the Ogarev Mordovia State University as part of cooperation with the Biokhimik plant

Promomed DM LLC has successfully debuted with its bonds on the Moscow Exchange

Biokhimik, Promomed production site, received certification according to Eurasian GMP standards

The new drug product Skyvira® for targeted etiotropic therapy of COVID-19 received marketing authorization.

Drug products of Promomed Group have been included in the new guidelines of the Russian Ministry of Health on the prevention and treatment of COVID-19

Biokhimik plant increases the staff and opens more than 200 additional vacancies in engineering and blue-collar specialties.

23 marketing authorizations received, including Salvisar, Drotaverin, Piracetam, Etamsilat, Ibuprofen, Dioxydin.

Promomed acquired the Biokhimik plant. A new story has begun for the oldest pharmaceutical enterprise.

Marketing authorization obtained for: Ketoprofen, Ketorolac, Sumatriptan, Metformin, Troxerutin

Launch of modernized workshops for the production of tablets, ointments and gels.

The substance for innovative antibiotic Vancomycin has been developed

10 marketing authorizations received, including Ambene Bio, Amikacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin

Promomed provided support in opening  new department at the Ogarev Mordovia State University, which will be involved in studies of synthesis of new antibiotics.

Promomed has put into commercial operation its own solution for managing the traceability of goods movement, including product labeling and aggregation.

10 marketing authorizations received, including antibiotics Moxifloxacin, Levofloxacin, Azithromycin, Doripinem, Vancomycin 

The company started its own production of substances by chemical and biological synthesis, sterile drugs in liquid and lyophilised forms

Marketing authorization for 21 new medicinal products received, including Reduxin Forte, Etoricoxib, Ademetionine, Citicoline, Tranexamic acid, Meloxicam and more 

Development and obtaining marketing authorization for Areplivir, a drug recommended by the Russian Ministry of Health for COVID-19  treatment, which saved hundreds of thousands of lives during the 2020-2021 pandemic

Promomed DM is assigned long-term credit rating ruBBB+ with a stable outlook.

Production plant of Promomed Group in Saransk has launched the production of a full cycle of antiviral drugs – an important step towards the national independence of drug supply

10 new medicinal products added to the company's portfolio: Ambene Chondro, Amiodarone, Daptomycin, Lidocaine, Linezolid, Lornia, Tolsitol, Phosphocreatine and more

Petr Bely, the founder of the Promomed Group, was awarded the Pirogov Medal for his merits in the production of pharmaceuticals

The long-term credit rating of Promomed DM has been raised to ruA- with a stable outlook

Promomed drug portfolio continues to grow. Since the beginning of the year, 20 new drug marketing authorizations have been received, including drugs for cancer treatment. These include Enoparin, Cefixime, Ampicillin / Sulbactam, Dexketoprofenum, Kombalgin, Dexpanthenol + Chlorhexidine, Kombalgin Ice, Modela


Promomed market share the share
among domestic manufacturers




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