Esperavir and Areplivir included in the current treatment regimens for seasonal ARVI

Promomed 16 December 2022

Promomed Group’s medicinal products Esperavir® and Areplivir®, which are already included in the approved regimens of targeted etiotropic therapy for COVID-19, are also recommended for patients with initial symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections in the 17th revision of the Interim Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19).

In the updated guidelines, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, taking into account the similarity between the clinical symptoms of mild forms of coronavirus infection and seasonal acute respiratory viral infections, recommendsto include drugs based on direct antiviral agents molnupiravir and favipiravir in the treatment regimens for viral diseases affecting the respiratory system without waiting for diagnosis confirmation, based on clinical situation. When prescribing, doctors have to take into account patient’s epidemiological history, severity of past COVID-19 and other important criteria.