Training of specialists for the pharmaceutical industry

Promomed 17 June 2022

At the economic forum in St. Petersburg, Promomed Group signed four strategic partnership agreements with Russian universities. The agreements are aimed at training highly qualified personnel for the pharmaceutical industry. RBC journalist interviewed the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Promomed Group Petr Bely and the Rector of the Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry Oleg Yanushevich.

— Petr Alexandrovich, today is an important day, and yesterday was also quite important. You have signed agreements with universities – two agreements with Moscow universities and another two with regional ones. Tell us, why these agreements are significant, what are the reasons why these universities have been chosen, how important is it for your company to train young personnel today?

Petr Bely: We consider it important to train precisely industrial specialists. Train people who will be directly involved in synthesis of new substances and the production of medicines, people who are so lacking in our industry, having specialized education and production experience gained during training.

This is a very important philosophy for the university department. Today we have come up with a new industry, for which we are already preparing new people, and now these guys, while still students, are already introducing the latest synthesis technologies, and in the future they simply continue to work with them.

The Biokhimik plant of Promomed Group is a very large domestic pharmaceutical manufacturer. We have three types of synthesis of substances: chemical, microbiological, biological. More than ten types of dosage forms, 250 drug names, 80% of which are included in the list of vital and essential drugs. Production is constantly being modernized, and, of course, it requires a new generation of specialists who have new knowledge and who are trained in real production conditions.

The need for specialists is very great. We have hundreds of jobs for people with a higher specialized education, and hundreds of jobs for people with a secondary special education. By the way, in the Republic of Mordovia we have implemented a large-scale project to train mid-level specialists, what used to be called vocational education. Pharmaceutical industry needs such specialists and we have significant experience in training them.

— Oleg Olegovich, you have signed a cooperation agreement with Promomed Group. What do these agreements mean for the university?

Oleg Yanushevich: We established a pharmacy department and a medical cybernetics department. The agreement will ensure the enrollment of students in these two areas of study this year. At the same time, all this year, when we were preparing for this agreement, this influenced the preparation of the departments themselves including the recruitment of staff, the preparation of curricula, the formation of the routing of students. These aspects are very important.
