At SPIEF three Russian universities signed agreements on training pharmacists for Promomed Group

Promomed 18 June 2022

At the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, a major Russian pharmaceutical manufacturer Promomed Group signed training agreements with three national leading universities. Students will be taught for a specific production, reports the correspondent of the MIR 24 TV channel Irina Mokretsova.

Promomed Group gained several strategic partners at once: the Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, the Ogarev Mordovia State University and the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology.

Now students will have the opportunity to consolidate knowledge in practice. Another opportunity is to participate in scientific research during the training.

«This is a comprehensive education for five years. Disciplines with be taught in-depth; students will participate in real production every year of study and acquire practical experience at an operating pharmaceutical enterprise. In the end, here we get specialists ready for work immediately after university. We don’t need to retrain them later for another five years,»⁠ commented Dmitry Zemskov, the chief executive officer of the Promomed Group’s Biokhimik plant.

Promomed is a major pharmaceutical manufacturer. The company is growing every year. More and more jobs appear. Today we need professionals in the field of biotechnology, chemical synthesis, and medical cybernetics.

«Today's event is an opportunity for us to significantly expand the number of applicants whom we can train at the country's leading universities and then hire highly qualified personnel. Moreover, these people begin to work from their school bench in the environment they will find themselves in future work,» commented Petr Bely, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Promomed Group.

The company expects that future pharmacists will made significant contribution to the development of innovative medicines and dietary supplements from domestic raw materials.

«It seems to me that the close interaction of the university, university science with real sector of the economy is what our country has been missing for many years. This is because a lot of Western licenses were bought, factories were built according to Western licenses. Now the business environment has changed, the situation has changed. Universities are ready to take responsibility for the implementation of such large-scale projects,» commented Ilya Vorotyntsev, the acting rector of the D.I. Mendeleev.

Promomed Group plans to increase exports and enter new markets in the nearest future.
