Leading national universities will train specialists for Promomed Group

Promomed 18 June 2022

During the third day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the signing of cooperation agreements between Promomed Group and the three major Russian universities, namely, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (MUCTR), Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (MSUMD), and Ogarev Mordovia State University.

Relying on the state program «Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry», approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 15.04.2014 No. 305, regarding the creation of more high-tech jobs requiring highly qualified workers, Promomed Group continues to expand cooperation with Russian higher educational institutions in the field of training specialized personnel for the domestic pharmaceutical industry. The agreements signed on the sidelines of the forum are aimed at solving several tasks at once – popularization of professions related to high-tech production in pharmaceutical industry, training of highly specialized workers of high qualification, advanced training of pharmaceutical production workers and conducting joint research in the development of new drug products.

Promomed Groupand MSUMDagreed on the development of training in specialized educational programs for the needs of the pharmaceutical industry, in particular in the specialties «Medical Cybernetics» and «Pharmacy», and the interaction on professional development of employees of the industry.

During the signing ceremony,Petr Bely, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Promomed Group,commented: «I spent my youth years as a student at MGMSU, my alma mater not only awarded me a degree of medical doctor, which I am proud of, but also shaped me in many ways. I am especially pleased to return after so many years as a partner of a respected university, which will help enthusiastic young people to receive a profession in the pharmaceutical industry. Of course, we are waiting for the first graduates in our production, in our R&D hub, in our laboratories.»

Oleg Yanushevich, Rector of MSUMD: «The future of medicine is in new technologies, new dosage forms. Petr Alexandrovich Bely responded to our call regarding the targeted training of specialists for production, and after that we opened two new departments. We are discussing not only personnel training, but also the scientific program. I believe that in addition to first-class personnel, this will give us and our country new drugs and new dosage forms.»

Promomed Groupand Mordovia State Universitywill continue cooperation in joint scientific research in the development of medicinal and biologically active substances, and strengthen the training of students in such areas as bachelor's and master's degrees in «Biotechnology» and postgraduate courses «Biotechnology of food, medicinal and biologically active substances».

Petr Bely: «Since Promomed appeared in the region by acquiring the Biokhimik plant in Saransk, the history of the company and the University are closely related. We teach students at our department and in our laboratories; the university helps to improve the qualifications of our employees; together we conduct clinical studies of the most important, life-saving drugs; together we develop new ones. We have ahead new joint programs of specialized education in the areas of biotechnology, scientific research of our graduate students, as well as extremely relevant work for us on the creation of drug products and pharmaceutical substances.»

Evgeny Glushko, Rector of the Ogarev Mordovia State University: «Indeed, the cooperation is strong. Two institutes, the department, and a large group of teachers and scientists are involved in this work, a youth laboratory has been established, which is successfully developing today and this is just one of the results of joint activities. Of course, I must mention that it is a rare case of such a great interest on the part of the company as well as deep understanding of knowledge, skills and abilities a university graduate should have.»

The signing of trilateral agreement between Promomed Group, Mendeleev Engineering Center (MEC)and Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (MUCTR)marked the beginning of a long and mutually beneficial cooperation in the development of specialized education in the areas of «Biotechnology» and «Pharmaceutical Biotechnology», joint research in the field of biotech on the basis of the University.

Petr Bely: «Our cooperation began not here and today. We have been working productively with the engineering center for a long time, developing programs with MUCTR. But I would call all this «pilot projects». Now we turn over a new page of systemic, long-term and, I am sure, effective cooperation. We face very serious challenges: to develop innovative medicines, to create active pharmaceutical substances for new generations of medicines, to train professionals and to engage them with our goals and plans.»

Ilya Vorotyntsev, Acting Rector of MUCTR: «Personnel training is an important component of activities of any university. We have been doing this for a long time, efficiently and well. It's great that students will see the high-tech enterprises where they will work in the future from the very first courses of training. Moreover, an agreement on targeted training can be concluded when training is already started, so that after graduation one can go to work in one of the leading companies in the real sector of industry.»

On the first day of the forum, the first of the planned signings of agreements between Promomed Group and major national universities also took place. Biokhimik JSC of Promomed Group and SPCPU have agreed to work together to develop long-term, effective and mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of training highly qualified personnel for the domestic pharmaceutical industry, staff development and joint research in the field of creating medicinal and biologically active substances*.

*Promomed Group’s Biokhimik and the Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University signed a memorandum on strategic partnership at SPIEF